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Research Site Requirements

Effectively communicate your research goals to the general public and stakeholders alike - get your research project online and accessible with an editable, mobile-friendly website.

Please only fill out this form if you've already discussed your project with us

Requirements Gathering

Please fill out this form with as much detail as possible, it'll help us picture what you've got in mind, as well as capture some of the more nuanced requirements of setting up a website.

This section is about the overall purpose of the website. Tell us about the organisation or the individuals involved. Is there a particular goal or problem you are solving? Describe your motivation and vision for the project. What should the website accomplish?
A website must meet users' needs; who is this website for? Describe your target audience. Provide several key user stories (features) from the users' point of view (e.g., As a user, I wish to be able to view my own uploaded media. As an admin user I wish to be able to add a new team member to the system.)
Who's involved with this project? Who is the project lead (i.e., who should the development team contact first)? Who are the decision makers, and who will provide content? Who will manage the site content going forward?
What do you expect the website to achieve? A SMART template can help here: Specific – What are the objectives, and who are the stakeholders? Measurable – How will we know when we accomplished the goals? Assignable – Who is doing what? (e.g., who will be providing the content? Who will be proof-reading the site?) Realistic – Can it be done? Time-Related – What are the time allowances?
Work is often approached in phases, sometimes aligned with funding cycles. Describe what's being worked on in any given phase to ensure we put the right effort into the right phase. Include any deadlines and budget information.
What pages do you want to include on your site? Check all that apply.
Provide a rough site map e.g., top-level navigation: Home, About, Services, News, Courses, Contact. Describe the structure for each page as best as you can. Keep in mind; what does each page need to do to fulfil the user stories?
Provide guidance on the design style. If you have a Branding Guidelines document, please send it to us. Otherwise, consider the following: Logos: Primary, secondary, submark. A good intro to logo variations can be found here: Fonts: Heading, body (these can be guided by your logo) Primary colour palette: (often also guided by the logo, unless your logo is monochrome) Provide examples of site designs you like - why? Is there anything you wish to avoid?
If there are to be particular features, describe how they should work in as much detail as possible. Include any custom features that need targeted development, or any features that may be budgeted for at a later date.
Any specific accessibility requirements?
We support the latest versions of Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera and Microsoft Edge. Please detail any additional browser requirements you may have.
Do you have a preferred domain (if so, do you already own it?). How many years should the website be hosted?
Websites require ongoing maintenance and improvements to prevent issues with performance, compatibility and security. Describe your requirements. (We can provide service packages for ongoing maintenance).
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